We have started planning our 2018 Festival and we are off to a flying start with a series of at least five workshops at Swansea Museum over the next few months. Alison Moger has been invited to come to Swansea to be one of our tutors, her work is fun, quirky and a gentle affectionate look at Welsh life. Her website shows her delicate and original work.

After her very successful Sashiko drop in skills session on our Festival weekend we have invited Pat Phillips back to do a day workshop in the Museum and we're sure this will be as great a success as it was in August. This was the project then, so looking forward to the next one!

We have also asked Rachel from Gower College if she would like to do another workshop showing how to draw with the sewing machine - free machine embroidery.

The workshops will run from 10 -4 and cost £25 and once details are finalised we will post all the information and the booking method.