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Well our AGM went really well and we have excellent additions to our team to make the Festival of 2018 unforgettable.

So I'd like to welcome our new team members - Fiona, Judith, Bethan, Joyce, and Alyson who will be joining Robi, Shirley and myself on the committee. Plus we are able to call on the skills of Colin and Andy and have had some very generous offers of help which we will in all likelihood need to call on. Many thanks to individuals from Swansea Embroiderers Guild, Swansea Quilters, Marilyn and Lesley from Itchyfingers and Sue who was in the process of developing a quilt group in Swansea, for attending our meeting. We also had apologies from a number of others so many thanks to these individuals too. The cakes were delicious and tea very welcome to warm us on such a cold evening.

We will getting together in January to start creating the next festival pulling together everyone's ideas - there should be plenty!

Wishing everyone an enjoyable Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Regards Sandra

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