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On August 11th we will have a workshop at Swansea Museum with well-known textile artist – Amanda Hislop. Amanda lives in Oxfordshire and will be travelling quite a way to come to us but as she is inspired by the sea our company and the fabulous Gower coastline may well prove a rich compensation.

Elements of the shore

She is also drawn to the power of the landscape with its wooded pathways, forests, trees and the patterns of light that filters through.

Amanda uses the colours of the landscape changing through the seasons and the colours of the grasses in browns, blues and greys.

The workshop will explore the use of papers, fabrics, threads and ‘found’ materials to create a surface that can be enhanced by stitch. The ‘found’ materials Amanda used at the workshop she did with Itchy Fingers Textiles were the grasses weeds and leaves we had gathered. She adheres to the base fabric.

It will be important to have an image/picture/idea to work from and things work really well when it is an image that is important to you. I would think you could use any fibres/threads/strings to create texture as a base to start from.

Here are some images from the workshop she did with us at Itchy Fingers Textiles.

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